Growing and stuff….

Last weekend was huge here in the Fiberific Household and Garden.  We set up whole new beds with new soil and mulch, planted goodness knows how many seeds into seed raising trays, we also made some mounds for Moon and Stars watermelons, Cream of saskatchewan watermelon and Ananas Rockmelon.  I have not grown melon’s before so it will be a good one to keep a watch on.

I had a big surprise yesterday morning, I wasn’t feeling great, I had dropped DD of at school, and had come home and made a cuppa.  I decided I wanted to sit in the sun, so I go out the front door and I was just going to sit on the garden edge and drink my cuppa.  But when I went out, one of my little cactus’ that I thought was well dead, had a little surprise for me.

This sight certainly lifted my saggy spirits!  I still felt sick, but was happy instead of gloomy.

When I was doing the rounds giving things a little drink this morning I found that some of the seeds I had potted up on Sunday have already sprouted after only 4 days! I didn’t even know that could happen!

These guys are my little Red Pak Choy! I love Pak choy and can’t wait til they are eating size.  DD also noticed some movement in the Cucumbers!

They are coming!!!! Cucumber Mini Munchers, DD has a real thing for Lebanese Cucumbers, we just can’t seem to buy enough of them, I certainly hope we can grow enough!

So anyway, Not feeling great and haven’t really had a good head for concentration.  This means, not much in the way of crafty stuff has been done around here this week.  I have been newly inspired today buy a gorgeous pattern on Ravelry called the Holden Shawlette this is not a new pattern and it looks like a lot of people have made it, but I only saw it the first time today!   I have been fighting the urge to cast on… As you may have noticed, I have a bad case of startitis, I love to start new projects before others are done which means, I have a LOT of wip’s lying about the place!

And not just knitting and crocheting Wip’s either I currently have 2 spinning and 1 weaving wip also.  I need more arms and legs!

Yesterday I set up a Spinning Wheel Display, I am still waiting on one more wheel to make its way from the US but there will be room when it gets here.

So I am still playing with this, but have you noticed, one of these things is not like the others?

Thats right tucked in the back behind the HitchHikers and RoadBug, is a SpinOlution Mach III.  I am loving having this wheel here, it is solid (and HEAVY) I would consider this one an at home wheel, but it spins like a Dream and it is truly SILENT and the Bobbins are HUGE!!

SpinOlution Mach III $1195 including shipping
some specs.
Introducing the brand new and improved SpinOlution Mach III spinning wheels with three bobbins that hold approx 8 ounces each. There are many new and wonderful improvements to the wheel.

* T-shaped wheel support
* Improved tensioning system, easier to remove and replace
* Treadling system has been modified so that the wheel is much quieter.
* Open spoke wheel construction

The magnetic orifice bar is still present and there are five speeds. The wheel is available as a standard set-up or art yarn set-up (your choice for an additional $150 with one bobbin or $235 with 3 bobbins.)


Weight: 22 lbs.
Height: 32 inches
Width: 24 inches
Depth: 12 inches
Wheel size: 24 inches in diameter, 1 1/2 inches thick

FIVE SPEEDS: 1:3. 1:5, 1:10, 1:15 and 1:23

Made of furniture grade birch plywood, well sanded and finished with a clear lacquer. The wheel has an open orifice as well as two toe brakes for easy stopping and shielded bearings so requires no oiling. This wheel is very stable and AMERICAN MADE.

If you have any questions about the Mach III or any other SpinOlution Wheel please contact me at
It is time for me to be off! Time to make tea, and help with homework, you know the other job lol!
Get your Spin on!

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