Well as I promised I set myself a WRITE BLOG reminder…it seems to have worked! I know it is SHOCKING!!!
Well now that we are here together, do you want to see what I am currently working on?
My Ravellenic Projects for the London 2012 Olympics are…. drum roll please
1. In the Shawl Sailing event we have the Clarus Shawl, designed by Laura Nelkin, I got my copy of the pattern as part of the Craftsy.com Mastering Lace Shawls class. I also got the Skywalker pattern which I am so excited about…. but I am doing Clarus for the Ravellenic Games. I am making it in Ixchelbunny’s absolutely devine Bunny Mink
so I started with 2 of these…
And have gotten to about row 41…I think …might be 42 (the colours are more true here in the shawl than in the skein)
2. In the Wip Wrestling (projects not worked on since before 15 May 2012) I have 2 contenders!
a) The Blue Wrap Cardi in Cream Cotton! Designed by Jenny King
So far I am here up to here, a little over half way through!
b) and for my second wip The Rough Seas Shawl I just have the edging to go, but I just couldn’t get it right, hence the craftsy Mastering Lace Shawls class…. Fingers crossed… this is made with my own handspun yarn, the fibre I got from www.ixchelbunny.blogspot.com called Superwash BFL and Cashmere. This one is making me a bit cray cray…. After reading lots of posts, I think it may be more the design than me, which makes a nice change Lol!
After the major Spinathon for the Tour de Fleece, I think my trusty Little Gem needed a rest, I know I did! If I feel the need to get my spin action on my very new very exciting Malcom Fielding Tibetan Support Spindle arrived, it is soooo purty, Thank you to my good rocking bunny buddy Charly for this amazing present! I love it so much, I have to be careful and remember to use it and not ‘Keep it for good’.
As you can see it was packed very safely for its journey to me…. Charly is a very Generous Lady!! I missed out on Magic Bunny! So now I have some of my very own to play with, and also some nekid black bunny…. which I am torn as to whether I dye it or keep it as it is? What do you think I should do?
I nearly forgot….. I found something at the shops yesterday!!
I like to send sweet treats to my friends when I send them a pressie… and quite often it has to go outside of Australia! Now Australia Post are not know for their fair pricing…. I sent out a parcel to a friend was about 600g, it cost me $39 in shipping I nearly died! But it was for a special friend and she is worth it! Now I love to add a packet of Tim Tams but when they send the parcel over the 500g mark (Auspost add a $9 fee to anything going to the US that is over 500g….they say why, but I don’t believe them…money grubbers..) I found these, it is a little packet about 40g, has 2 Tim Tam Fingers… a little treat without going mental on the postage YAY!!!
On this sweet note, I am off!! Time for a cuppa and something chocolatey, dunno why all of a sudden got a choc craving..shakes head… don’t know what that is about…
Lets see if the alarm works again….