Georgie the Fiber eating dog!

I don’t know if any of you have spotted this site popping up around the place. all I can say about this site is do not have any food or drink while looking, you will end up with a dirty screen or choking.

You  maybe wondering why I am talking about a dog shaming site… well wonder no longer.  I am looking after my brothers family dog for a while. Georgie, he is a big sap who loves pats, jumping, playing, and growling at cats…of which I have 2. Georgie has a problem and therefore I have a problem, HE PLAYS WITH YARNS AND FIBER!!!! so far he has attacked a ball of Mink Angora which I am trying to fix it now includes sticks, leaves and dirt.

and he changed this gorgeous bubblegum coloured BFL Cashmere blend from the wonder dyer Ixchelbunny

to this.

it is still spinnable, absolutely but Out the window and flying away are my plans to spin this into a long colour repeat single for a new Abbie shawl.  back to the drawing board on this one.  Although the more I look at the picture the more I think that I might be able to retrieve the singles plan… it will just be a bit more work.

So in honour of the dog shaming website I give you…. Georgie, the Fiber eating dog.

So onwards and upwards. My gorgeous Friend Nat from Namaste Farms had for sale some Racka wool, I had never heard of this breed, so me being me, ordered an ounce to play with.  And boy have a played!

It came all dirty in a bag, and Nat had posted that as it doesn’t really have much in the way of lanolin or oils that it can clean up in just hot water… I didn’t believe her, honestly, I didn’t.  But I thought I will give it a try, worst case would be I have to re do it with some soap or scour.

Racka are a breed that has been bred for meat and wool, it has the most awesome curly horns ever!  All I have learned about this breed has come from Wiki, so really I don’t know much.

but this is a Racka sheep

and this is my bag of Racka that I recieved!

I did give it a wash in just very hot water.

it came out so nice, I just had to play with it… I had combs and thought it won’t hurt to do a little nest now will it….. well…. Um…. I got about halfway though before I even realised it! I love combing, it is so much fun!

This is a racka lock (is that the right word?) before I combed it!

and the Racka lock after I combed it and turned it into a cute little nest

Now racka is not the softest fiber I have touched, but is by no means the coarsest either, I think it would be very much at home blended with a nice corrie x and turned into some awesome hard wearing socks!  I have no experience using this wool….. but I am going to give it a go.

I had planned on getting some spinning done this week… but I got sidetracked…by the racka…and the combs.

Well I had better scoot, lots to do.
Get some fiber in your hands, and maybe try something new! Its fun!

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